Resilient Edtech Specifications
Enabling faster, lighter edtech apps that work together, online and offline

RESPECT (Resilient Edtech Specifications Project for Educational Courseware and Technologies)
is a set of technical specifications to ensure edtech apps perform well for all learners; including scenarios common in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (LMICs).
Educators and learners
Choose RESPECT Compatible apps for a better experience
- Access any RESPECT Compatible app using a single account
- Install apps without worrying about running out of space; they’ll be light enough
- Use less data; RESPECT compatible apps will use compression, caching, and nearby sharing to reduce Internet data usage
- See learner progress reports from multiple apps in one place
- Privacy and security by default: your data stays with your education institution
- Uninterrupted learning experiences that keep working even when the Internet is slow or unavailable
Support RESPECT Compatible apps to achieve better outcomes
- Reduce costs by reducing data usage and ensuring that apps work with almost all devices available
- Realtime data on-demand: all RESPECT Compatible apps submit learner progress data as soon as a connection is available
- Privacy and security: you can always keep all personal data on any server or provider you choose
- Serve all learners and educators: size, performance, and data usage requirements ensure apps work for all learners on almost any device
Develop RESPECT Compatible apps for billions of learners
- Expand in emerging high-growth Edtech markets
- Use existing open standards including xAPI, OneRoster®, and LTI® to connect with many Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and Student Information Systems (SISs)
- Easy to use free and open-source software libraries (such as libRESPECT) make it easy to handle offline/limited connectivity scenarios and reduce data usage
- Improve performance and delight all users – when did anyone ever complain about an app loading too fast?